Tramex Remote Environmental Monitoring System - TREMS
Monitoring relative humidity and temperature remotely anytime, any place, from anywhere
Since the 1970's, Tramex has been at the forefront of non-destructive and in-situ moisture detection, as well as ambient relative humidity measurement.
The Tramex Remote Environmental Monitoring System is a cloud-based system designed and developed in Ireland by Tramex. The Tramex Remote Environmental Monitoring System, TREMS, is the way forward for monitoring and recording temperature, relative humidity, dew point, and humidity ratio grams per kilo / grains per pound
The on-site Cloud Sensors transmit relative humidity, temperature, dew point, humidity ratio g/lb and g/kg readings wirelessly via the Tramex Cloud Station. This enables remote monitoring of multiple on-site Sensors via the Tramex Cloud platform.
The Tramex Cloud application is a secure platform where you can store and report your moisture, temperature and relative humidity readings. You can also receive notifications of adverse conditions and quickly monitor status from any browser.
There are no subscription fees and there is free data storage for two years with the Tramex Remote Environmental Monitoring System.
TREMS-10 Product Details and Pricing
TREMS-5 Product Details and Pricing
How remote environmental monitoring works
When ambient conditions need to be monitored and visualised over a period of time, remote monitoring provides the perfect solution.
Tramex Cloud sensors are placed in the required areas and send temperature and humidity readings to the Tramex Cloud Station. The secure network then connects to the wifi supplied by your Tramex Station and sends all data to the Tramex Cloud platform. In your Tramex Cloud account all collected data can be viewed as files and in visual charts or graphs and compiled into reports.
With a lifespan of up to 15 years our sensors will provide the data required on the smallest to the longest of projects.
Why drive to a single site to take readings, when you can surf to the Tramex Cloud and monitor many projects all in one place with no subscription fee.
All your data at your fingertips
A secure logging-in process into the Tramex Cloud allows required personnel access to the Temperature and Relative Humidity data.
All temperature and humidity readings are stored on the Cloud platform and can be downloaded as CSV, Excel files or jpegs. Reports are generated for a quick glance view with colour-coordinated lines for even easier viewing.
If the parameters on site are of a critical nature, TREMS can issue alert notifications if the sensor readings reach the set parameters.
Alert notifications can be sent to site agents for a quick resolution, or to an office for reference. Project information can be made accessible to all that require it.
TREMS is your reliable partner for precise and accurate Temperature and Humidity monitoring.
Suitable for many industry sectors
The Tramex Remote Environmental Monitoring System has a multitude of applications across numerous industry sectors including:
- Data Centres
- Food and Beverage Storage
- Construction
- Water Damage Restoration
- Manufacturing
- Shipping
- Coatings
- Pharmaceuticals
- Art Galleries and Museums
Why choose the Tramex Remote Environmental Monitoring System?
- Exceptionally accurate measurements and instant warnings when the set parameters are exceeded.
- Long transmission range: over 3kms line-of-sight.
- Long battery life, up to 15 years lifespan.
- Multiple readings per hour.
- Easy Setup: The sensors and the cloud station can be easily registered to our Tramex Cloud account by scanning the QR Codes on the back of the instruments.
- No subscription fees and free data storage for two years.